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Family Values @ Work Condemns Michigan H.B. 4052, Calls on Governor Snyder to Veto

Press Releases

CONTACT: Margy Levinson,, 646-335-0441, Leslie Patterson,, 646-200-5326

“Death Star” Bill Would Prohibit Local Action on Paid Sick Days and Other Employment Protections

Michigan H.B. 4052—which would, among other measures roll back paid sick leave policies at the local level—passed the legislature and is now on Gov. Rick Snyder’s desk. Family Values @ Work executive director, Ellen Bravo, one of the country’s foremost experts on paid sick days and paid family leave policies, issued the following statement condemning the measure and calling on the Governor to veto it:

“The powers-that-be in Michigan have passed a bill that’s been labeled the ‘Death Star’ for its sweeping interference in the right of local communities to pass a wide range of worker protections, including paid sick days, wage theft, and fair chance hiring, adding to the Michigan statehouse’s track record of trampling on democracy.


“Conservative legislators claim they simply want to ensure uniform state standards. In reality, the standard they want is zero – no action whatsoever on these important employment policies. For instance, for four years, legislation on paid sick days has been lying in wait in the statehouse, with not even a hearing or conversation. Instead, state lawmakers want to tell Michigan cities and counties that they can’t move ahead to enact such a measure themselves.


“For many voters, local government means accessibility. They know their elected officials and are able to have a conversation about what’s going on in their neighborhoods and get help finding solutions. The ‘Death Star’ limits voters’ ability to influence change for themselves and their families.


“We call on Governor Snyder to veto this bill, in the spirit of preserving democracy and local control.”


Family Values @ Work is a nonpartisan network of coalitions in 21 states working to pass policies that value families at work such as paid sick days and affordable family leave.”

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