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A Win for Sick and Safe Leave Benefits in San Antonio

Press Releases

Statement from Family Values @ Work Co-Directors Ellen Bravo and Wendy Chun-Hoon on the Win for Sick and Safe Leave Benefits in San Antonio

“Today’s 8-3 vote in the San Antonio City Council is a triumph for Working Texans for Paid sick Days, for the 354,000 workers who currently have no paid sick time, for that entire city and for all of us. We’ve just witnessed an example of the people prevailing over special interests, of health prevailing over bullying.

We’ve just witnessed an example of the people prevailing over special interests.

“The Texas Organizing Project and other grassroots groups built a strong and diverse coalition in San Antonio to put earned sick and safe time on the November 2018 ballot. The City Council decided to pass the measure themselves last August, some with the hope that the state legislature would interfere in local decision-making and steal the wins for paid sick time in that city as well as in Austin and Dallas. Strong action across the state prevented conservatives in the state legislature from getting away with that.

“Working people in San Antonio were supposed to start earning paid time August 1. Instead, they had to deal with a delay while corporate lobbyists threatened a lawsuit and insisted on continuing discussions. Activists participated in every step of the process and successfully made their case, bolstered by a study from economists at St Mary’s University, that this bill is essential to the health and well-being of the city’s residents.

“The bill that passed today recognizes the health impact of domestic and sexual violence and includes time to deal with its aftermath. It also recognizes the need to value all families and has an inclusive family definition.

“As TOP organizer Joleen Garcia told a rally after the vote, “This is a celebration of our community – a win for all of us: the hotel workers that welcome visitors to our city, the construction workers that build our roads and our homes, the home care providers that care for our elderly, and the cooks and waitresses who prepare and serve our food.

“We salute our partners in Texas for their persistence in affirming that all working people in San Antonio deserve time to heal and care for loved ones. They called on council members to honor their promise.”

For Immediate Release: Thursday, October 3, 2019
Contact: Trent Breitung,, (210) 904-5283

Sick and Safe Leave Ordinance a Victory for San Antonio’s Workers

Today, the San Antonio City Council voted to approve the Sick and Safe Leave Ordinance that will give more than 350,000 working people the opportunity to earn paid sick days starting December 1. The Texas Organizing Project and MOVE Texas were there to celebrate this victory, and issued the following statement.

“This has been a long journey and we’re grateful that today working families prevailed once again,” said Michelle Tremillo, executive director of the Texas Organizing Project. “We thank everyone who signed the petition, testified at City Hall, rallied in support of paid sick leave and lobbied to protect our ordinance at the state legislature. This is your victory! 

“San Antonio has the highest poverty rate of major cities  in the country, and this ordinance is a positive step towards alleviating poverty by supporting workers largely at the bottom of the pay scale. But this is only the start of a long-term campaign to end poverty in our city. It should not sit well with anyone in our government that we have the highest percentage of people living in poverty. And we expect to see more solutions to the many inequities that persist in our community.”

“The fight for Paid Sick Time was at its core a moral fight. We believe in the simple notion that no worker should have to choose between paying their bills and maintaining their health,” said H. Drew Galloway, MOVE TEXAS Executive Director. “More than 140,000 San Antonians petitioned the city for a paid sick leave ordinance that was successfully passed through the city council, today’s victory is a testament to those working people who spoke out for their rights.” 

At the celebration, signs read: “What Vicks won’t fix, we have paid sick starting Dec. 1st!,” “When Pepto doesn’t cut it, run to paid sick, Dec 1st,” “When the Tiger won’t take the ache, you need paid sick days!” and “Orange you glad you have paid sick?”


Texas Organizing Project organizes Black and Latino communities in Dallas, Harris, Bexar and Fort Bend counties with the goal of transforming Texas into a state where working people of color have the power and representation they deserve. For more information, visit

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