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Press Releases

People Marching on the streets
May 17, 2023

Healthy Families Act and FAMILY Act Reintroduced in 118th Congress

Washington, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) and Senator Bernie Sanders (VT) reintroduced the Healthy Families Act, and Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) and U.S.…
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May 8, 2023

Minnesota Paid Medical Family Leave Bill Passes Senate

St. Paul, MN - The Minnesota House and Senate have passed a bill that would provide paid medical family leave to employees. The legislation, which…
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April 18, 2023

Care Economy Executive Order Statement

Today, President Biden will enact an Executive Order with 50 actions to bolster and advance the nation’s care economy. Family Values @ Work (FV@W) and…
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March 29, 2023

Parents Bill of Rights Act

The House passed H.R. 5, the so-called “Parents Bill of Rights Act" It is unbelievable that a bill that would put into effect several anti-LGBTQ+…
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March 9, 2023

President Biden’s Encouraging Budget – Strongest Ever for Working Families

Family Values @ Work (FVAW) is encouraged by President Biden’s budget which includes the strongest investment ever in funding for working families, particularly funding for…
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December 8, 2022

Respect for Marriage Act: An Important Step In Our Democracy

(WASHINGTON, DC) ––  Family Values @ Work is a movement network of grassroots coalitions in more than two dozen states working to win paid family…
Read More about Respect for Marriage Act: An Important Step In Our Democracy

December 1, 2022

FV@W Decries the Senate Vote on Rail Paid Sick Days

(WASHINGTON, DC)––Family Values @ Work is a movement network of grassroots coalitions in more than two dozen states working to win paid family and medical…
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November 20, 2022

Colorado Springs Mass Shooting

(WASHINGTON, DC)––Family Values @ Work is a movement network of grassroots coalitions in more than two dozen states working to win paid family and medical…
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August 24, 2022

President Biden Student-Debt Reduction Plan

(WASHINGTON, DC)––Family Values @ Work is a movement network of grassroots coalitions in more than two dozen states working to win paid family and medical…
Read More about President Biden Student-Debt Reduction Plan

August 1, 2022

FV@W Expresses Outrage Over 2022 Reconciliation Package

(WASHINGTON, DC)––Family Values @ Work is a movement network of grassroots coalitions in more than two dozen states working to win paid family and medical…
Read More about FV@W Expresses Outrage Over 2022 Reconciliation Package