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Press Releases

People Marching on the streets
September 30, 2010

San Francisco Experience Makes the Case for Paid Sick Days

The Drum Major Institute for Public Policy has released a new report showing that San Francisco’s paid sick days ordinance has not had a negative…
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September 20, 2010

Paid Sick Days Video shown on Pennsylvania Cable Network

On September 12, Pennsylvania Cable Network (the state version of C-SPAN) aired a half-hour report on various legislation being sponsored by House Democrats, including paid…
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September 7, 2010

More Than a Proclamation from the Secretary of Labor

It’s great to have one day a year set aside to honor workers. But even better is to have a Secretary of Labor who honors…
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August 27, 2010

Maine Women’s Lobby launches “She Decides” campaign

Maine Women’s Lobby, the lead organization in the state’s grassroots effort for paid sick days, launched a new civic engagement campaign this week called “She…
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August 24, 2010

Paid Sick Days Legislation Makes Sense for All Businesses

Pathways PA’s CEO Carol Goertzel has a great op-ed in the Patriot-News today. Read the piece here: "Paid Sick Days Legislation Makes Sense for All…
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August 24, 2010

Imagine a World With Paid Sick Days

9to5 Executive Director Linda Meric has a great op-ed about paid sick days on the New Jersey Today website. Read her piece her, Imagine a…
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August 19, 2010

Need for Earned Sick Days Front and Center in Harrisburg This Week

On Tuesday, the Coalition for Healthy Families and Workplaces in Pennsylvania traveled to Harrisburg to shine a light on the need for earned sick time…
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August 2, 2010

Time to Make Family Leave Affordable

August 5th marks the 17th anniversary of the implementation of the Family and Medical Leave Act – when federal law for the first time acknowledged…
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July 30, 2010

Grocery workers’ sick deal

From the Seattle Times: Tasha West-Baker can make you a latte, slice your lunch meat or make you a cake at Safeway.And she could make…
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July 14, 2010

New Jersey’s Family Leave Insurance Program: The Sky Has Not Fallen

One year after New Jersey became the second state to offer paid family leave, the sky hasn’t fallen and businesses haven’t fled the state. Instead,…
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