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Press Releases

People Marching on the streets
February 21, 2010

New Surveys Show Restaurant Workers Must Work Sick or Lose Pay

A new set of surveys and a national report from Restaurant Opportunities Centers United show that although the restaurant industry continues to prosper—even in the…
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February 19, 2010

Milwaukee Paid Sick Days Ordinance Continues Its Journey Through the Courts

Activists in the paid sick days fight in Milwaukee are continuing to organize as the legal battle makes its way to the State Supreme Court.…
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February 10, 2010

Maine’s Paid Sick Days Bill Debated

Sarah Standiford, head of Maine's paid sick days coalition, very ably debated a business lobbyist on Maine Public Broadcasting Network's "Maine Watch" last week on…
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February 10, 2010

Report on the Importance of Newborn Family Leave

Supporters of the work of Family Values @ Work will be interested to read this review of the research on the importance of family leave…
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February 10, 2010

Follow the New York Campaigns on Facebook and Twitter

You can now follow the New York paid sick days and family leave insurance campaigns on Facebook and Twitter. Check the campaigns out at: Time…
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February 5, 2010

Maine Small Business Supports Paid Sick Days

More and more businesspeople are speaking out in favor of Maine’s proposed paid sick days policy. Dozens of small business owners recently held a media…
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February 5, 2010

$50 Million for Paid Family Leave in President Obama’s Budget

President Obama’s recently proposed 2011 federal budget includes a $50 million State Paid Leave Fund. The fund will provide start-up support for state governments that…
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January 15, 2010

First Lady Calls for Paid Family Leave, Paid Sick Days

In a speech Thursday at the Department of Labor, First Lady Michelle Obama made a forceful call for new policies that value families at work…
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November 6, 2009

New Paid Sick Days Bill Introduced in Maine

In October, Maine State Senate President Libby Mitchell introduced “An Act to Aid in the Prevention of the Spread of H1N1 Influenza by ensuring the…
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October 28, 2009

A National Policy Win for Military Families

The L.A. Times opinion piece, Job Killers that aren't, takes a closer look at the California Chamber of Commerce's list of "job killing" bills and…
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