GA: The Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities
The Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities is a federally funded, independent state agency that serves as a leading catalyst for systems change for individuals and families living with developmental disabilities. Through public policy initiatives, advocacy programs and community building, GCDD promotes and creates opportunities to enable persons with disabilities to live, work, play and worship as an integral part of society.
NC: MS Society, Eastern North Carolina Chapter
The Eastern North Carolina Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society represents an estimated 5,400 people with MS, their families, care partners, and health care professionals and is committed to expanding knowledge of MS, enhancing access to MS specialty medical care, and empowering people with MS to live as independently as possible. The Chapter, along with its sister Chapters in NC has played a key role in the NC Families Care Coalition by bringing to bear the connections between workplace policies such as flexible scheduling and paid sick time for care partners and workers living with MS. As an example of this collaboration, the Eastern NC Chapter recruited one of their members to testify in front of NC’s Joint Select Committee on Work and Family Balance on how essential it’s been to have flexible scheduling while working and living with MS.
WI: Board for People with Developmental Disabilities
The Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities (WBPDD) was established to advocate on behalf of individuals with developmental disabilities, foster welcoming and inclusive communities, and improve the disability service system. The Board’s mission is to help people with developmental disabilities become independent, productive, and included in all facets of community life. Insuring people with disabilities and their families have access to paid time off is important to their success. That’s why WBPDD has been had strong support in the Paid Sick Days Milwaukee Coalition.
Access Living of Metropolitan Chicago
ALS Association of Oregon and SW Washington
ARC of Albany
ARC of Georgia
California Association of Caregiver Resource Centers
Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition
Disability Rights Center of Maine
Disability Rights Wisconsin
Disabled in Action of Pennsylvania
Equip for Equality
Family Caregivers Alliance/National Center for Caregiving
Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities
Greater Boston Legal Services
Life Center for Independent Living, Savannah
Maine Developmental Disabilities Council
MS Society-Eastern NC Chapter
PEPP, Inc. (Parents Educating Parents and Professionals)
Prax(us) (Human trafficking)
Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities