MA: New England United For Justice
New England United for Justice is a non-profit membership-based organization that represents diverse low and moderate income families who want to promote social justice and become more involved in improving their neighborhood, city and state. Working like a union of community people, our members are able to address small and large issues that families care about that affect the quality of everyday life for the people in our city and state. We are a direct action based organization that uses the power of people and education to influence policy changes that affect low to moderate income neighborhoods. New England United for Justice has made the Paid Sick Days Act a top priority in successive legislative sessions.
CO: Colorado Progressive Coalition: Economic, Racial and Health Justice
Colorado Progressive Coalition is a statewide, member-driven organization that has engaged communities to advance economic and social justice since 1996. Organized around five program areas: Racial Justice & Civil Rights; Health Care for All; Economic Justice; Statewide Base Building; and Civic Engagement; CPC advocates at the local, state, and national levels on issues that affect people of color, low-income neighborhoods, immigrants, the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender community, and young people. CPC sits on the Executive Committee of the Campaign for a Healthy Denver.
IL: Action Now
Action Now is a community organization of working families, organized to fight for racial, social and economic justice. Working in neighborhoods of Chicago and its suburbs, Action Now has been a leader in the fight to raise the minimum wage, find revenue to stop budget cutbacks, and joins Women Employed in the fight for paid sick days.
A Better Balance
Action Center on Race and the Economy
All Families Deserve a Chance Coalition
Arise for Social Justice
Boston Tenant Coalition
Bread & Roses
California Employment Lawyers Association
California Partnership
Campaign for a Family Friendly Economy
Carsey Institute
Center for Economic and Policy Research
Center for Law and Social Policy
Center for Tax and Budget Accountability
Chicago Jobs Council
Citizen Action of Illinois
Citizen Action of Wisconsin
Colorado Jobs with Justice
Community Service Society
Connecticut Association for Human Services
Connecticut Citizen Action Group
Connecticut Working Families
Economic Opportunity Institute
Economic Policy Institute
Georgia STAND UP
Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger
Heartland Alliance
Impact Services Corporation
JALSA – Jewish Alliance for Law & Social Action
Jobs With Justice
Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies
Keystone Research Center
Legal Momentum
Legal Services of New Jersey
Maine Center for Economic Policy
Maine Equal Justice Partners
Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance
Massachusetts Committee for Occupational Safety & Health
Mothering Justice
National Center for Law and Economic Justice
National Employment Law Project
National Employment Law Project ( NELP)
National Partnership for Women and Families
Neighborhood Networks
New England United for Justice
New Jersey Citizen Action
New York Committee for Occupational Safety & Health
New York Communities for Change
Oregon Center for Public Policy
Our Oregon
PathWays PA
Philadelphia Unemployment Project
Puget Sound Sage
Real Change News
Restaurant Opportunities Center – Chicago
Restaurant Opportunities Center – Philadelphia
Restaurant Opportunities Center – United
Restaurant Opportunities Center – Michigan
Seattle Human Services Coalition
Statewide Poverty Action Network
Sugar Law
The Campaign for Working Families
Untied for Respect at Walmart
Washington CAN
Women’s Community Revitalization Project