IL: Arise Chicago
Arise Chicago builds partnerships between faith communities and workers to fight workplace injustice through education and organizing and advocating for public policy changes.
ME: Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland
The Catholic diocese comprises of the entire state of Maine. There are approximately 150 worship sites throughout the state and over 187,000 practicing Catholics. The bishop’s office through the auspices of the Office of Public Affairs lobbies on the state and national level on issues on topics impacting upon the common good that resonate with its calling to apply its biblical convictions to contemporary societal structures. Among its overriding priorities are the fair and equitable treatment of the worker and in particular those in low income jobs.
WI: MICAH (Milwaukee Interfaith Congregations Allied for Hope)
Milwaukee Inner-city Congregations Allied for Hope (MICAH) is a multi-racial, interfaith organization committed to addressing justice issues that have an impact on the community and on the members of MICAH congregations. MICAH’s goal is to empower people to act together in pursuit of justice, and to organize so that people of many traditions can come together to speak with one voice for justice. MICAH deals with many issues. MICAH has been a constant partner with 9to5 in the Paid Sick Days Coalition, helping with labor in the pulpit and training members to share their paid sick days story.
American Friends Service Committee
Arise Chicago
B’nai Jeshurun
Black Ministers Council on New Jersey
Br. David Kieran Garner, O.S. B., Abbot, St. Dunstan’s Benedictine Abbey
Christ Missionary Crusade Fellowship Church
Church Council of Greater Seattle
Comunidad Liberación/Liberation Community
Conference, The United Methodist Church
Corbin Tobey-Davis, Associate Pastor , Parkview Congregational Church UCC
David Vita, Unitarian Church in Westport, Social Justice Council
Denver Urban Ministries
Ebenezer Temple Pentacostal Church
Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon
Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Faith in Public Life
First Iconium Baptist Church
Interfaith Alliance of Colorado
Interfaith Children’s Network
Interfaith Hospitality Network of Northwest Philadelphia
Interfaith Task Force
Interfaith Worker Justice
Interfaith Worker Justice Committee of Colorado
Islamic Society of Milwaukee
JERICHO, A Voice for Justice
Jewish Labor Committee
Krista Ullestad, M. Ed., Executive Director, Urban Servant Corps
Labor Religion Coalition of New York
Liberty Baptist Church
Lindsey Street Baptist Church
Living Water United Church of Christ
Lutheran Office of Government Ministry in NJ
Lutheran Public Policy Office of Washington
Maine Council of Churches
Massachusetts Interfaith Worker Justice Committee
Metropolitan Organization for People
MICAH (Milwaukee Interfaith Congregations Allied for Hope)
Mount Pisgah A. M. E. Church
National Council of Jewish Women, Illinois State Public Affairs Network
National Council of Jewish Women, Atlanta Chapter
National Council of Jewish Women, Colorado Chapter
Neighborhood Interfaith Movement
New Jersey Regional Coalition
New York Society for Ethical Culture
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
Parents Alliance for Catholic Education
Pastor Kenneth G. Berve, Grant Avenue United Methodist Church
Pastor Paul Howard, Montclair United Methodist Church
Pennsylvania Council of Churches
Presbytery of Greater Atlanta, Presbyterian Church USA
Prof. Tink Tinker, Ph.D. (Wazhazhi / Osage Nation), Iliff School of Theology; traditional American Indian spiritual leader, Four Winds American Indian Council
Project IRENE
Protestants for the Common Good
Rabbi Brian Field, Judaism Your Way
Rabbi Evette Lutman, B’nai Havurah, Denver’s Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation
Rabbi Joel Schwartzman, Leadership Team, Interfaith Worker Justice Committee of Colorado
Rabbi Michael Feinberg
Rev Bonita Bock, Evangelical Lutheran Church of America
Rev Jeffrey R Babb, Grace United Methodist Church
Rev. Amy Mendez, Pastor for Church Development and Multiracial Ministries, Presbytery of Denver
Rev. Andrew L. Simpson, Jr., Rocky Mountain District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, Denver
Rev. Anne Dunlap, Pastor, Comunidad Liberación/Liberation Community
Rev. Bill Calhoun, Presbyterian minister, honorably retired
Rev. Bill Kirton, United Methodist Minister, Retired
Rev. Dale Morris Lee, University Park United Methodist Church
Rev. Daniel Klawitter, FRESC: Good Jobs/Strong Communities
Rev. Deborah Holder, Minister of Beloved Community Formation, Mountain Desert District of the Unitarian
Rev. Diana J. Flahive, Interfaith Minister, Community Minister for Capitol Hill United Ministries
Rev. Dr. Betty Bradford, Highlands United Methodist Church
Rev. Dr. Cathie Kelsey, Iliff School of Theology
Rev. Dr. Dana Wilbanks, Professor Emeritus of Christian Ethics, Iliff School of Theology, Denver
Rev. Dr. James E. Fouther, Jr., Pastor, The United Church (UMC, UCC, PCUSA) of Montbello
Rev. Dr. Kristina Lizardy-Hajbi, Minister for Christian Faith Formation Research, United Church of Christ
Rev. Dr. Michael Dent, Senior Pastor, Trinity United Methodist Church
Rev. Dr. Miguel A. De La Torre, Professor of Social Ethics and Latino/a Studies, Iliff School of Theology,
Rev. Eric Strader, Crosspoints UMC Parish
Rev. Gregory Young, Christ Church United Methodist
Rev. Inga Oyen Longbrake, St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
Rev. James R. Laurie, Presbyterian minister, honorably retired
Rev. Jessica Rooks, Pastor, Cameron United Methodist Church
Rev. Josh Pawelek, Greater Hartford Interfaith Coalition for Justice and Equality
Rev. Julie Todd, United Methodist, Iliff School of Theology
Rev. Kerry Greenhill, Associate Pastor, Highlands United Methodist Church
Rev. Linda C. Marshall, Minister of Nurture, Trinity United Methodist Church
Rev. Margaret Payne, New England Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Rev. Mariah Hayden, Warren United Methodist Church
Rev. Mark Meeks, Capitol Heights Presbyterian Church
Rev. Mary Ann Dimand, Church and Society Network Advocating for Peace with Justice, Rocky Mountain
Rev. Miriam H. Slejko, Minister of Discipleship, Trinity United Methodist Church
Rev. Nadia Boltz-Weber, Pastor, House For All Sinners and Saints
Rev. Nancy Bowen, District Executive , Mountain Desert District of Unitarian Universalist Congregations
Rev. Nancy Rosas, Washington Park United Church of Christ, El Centro Humanitario para los Trabajadores
Rev. Paul Carlson, Pastor, Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
Rev. Paul Kottke, Senior Pastor, University Park United Methodist Church
Rev. Ryan Canaday, Associate Pastor University Park United Methodist Church,
Rev. Tan Nguyen, Senior Pastor, Brentwood United Methodist Church
Rev. Todd Everhart, Elder, Rocky Mountain Conf. of the United Methodist Church
Rev. Linda Gertenbach, Peace with Justice Facilitator, Rocky Mountain Conference of The United Methodist Church
Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Student Social Action Committee, Iliff School of Theology
Superintendent Rev. Patrick. L. Demmer Jr., Graham Memorial Church of God in Christ
Take Back Your Time/Massachusetts Council of Churches
The Rev. Dr. Kevin R. Maly, St. Paul Church (ELCA)
The Rev. Rebecca Jones, Jubilee Officer, Episcopal Diocese of Colorado; deacon at the St. Francis Center, Denver
The Workmen’s Circle/Arbiters Ring – NJ Region
Tikkun Ha-ir
Universalist Association
University of Denver
UU Mass Action Network
Washington Association of Churches