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Family Values @ Work Denounces Racist ICE Raids

Press Releases

Family Values @ Work denounces the administration’s use of unlawful and racist ICE raids to tear our families and our communities apart, as well as the opening of three new detention centers against Congressional orders — two in Louisiana and one in Mississippi — and the horrific conditions found at detention centers across the country. The unprecedented raids planned for this weekend are further evidence of increasing authoritarianism that aims to do violence against our communities and undermine the rule of law.

We value every family, including LGBTQI+, single-parent households, extended families, incarcerated families, transnational families, adoptive families and more, because we know that our liberation is bound together. We fight for the health and economic well-being of our communities and we must speak out against the violence that this administration is doing to immigrant communities of color.

Family Values @ Work stands shoulder to shoulder with civil liberties organizations and our allies in other movements in resistance to this trend toward authoritarianism. As always, we hold strong against racism and xenophobia, and in solidarity with immigrants pursuing their legal right to request asylum and seek safety in our country.

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