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Family Values @ Work Statement on Supreme Court Justice Nominee Announcement

Press Releases

The Supreme Court Justice we need in this moment is someone who understands how vulnerable American families are right now, and will stand up for our families’ well-being and our rights in all her votes on the Court.

That vulnerability takes a range of forms right now. Families are facing job loss, lost health insurance, food insecurity, eviction, and a lack of childcare or predictable schooling for their kids—all due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic crisis it has wrought.

The Supreme Court influences how American families will be able to weather this economic storm. The court has a key role in establishing the right relationship between employees and employers; honoring labor union rights; and determining the rights and responsibilities of corporations. 

Additionally, whoever is appointed to the Court will join critical discussions about the future of the Affordable Care Act. The outcome could determine whether millions more Americans lose their health insurance, due to preexisting conditions or rising costs.

Also at stake is our nation’s commitment to the civil and human rights that protect us from discrimination, ensure our participation in our democracy, and allow us to flourish as individuals and communities. In coming terms, the Supreme Court will consider cases that could curtail voting rights, reproductive freedoms, immigrants’ rights, and equal treatment of LGBTQ+ people. 

The president has nominated Amy Coney Barrett, and her track record suggests that she will not be an ally of working families. While Senate leadership may have the votes to force through the approval of this nomination before Election Day, we challenge the leadership to also schedule votes on the HEROES Act, the Childcare Is Essential Act, and other urgently needed family-supporting policies. If Congress can make time to consider a Supreme Court nominee, they definitely have time to stabilize the economy and protect vulnerable families. Congress must:

  • Invest at least $50 billion in childcare;
  • authorize additional stimulus relief; and 
  • lay the foundation for an economy based in care and equity by extending and expanding the emergency paid sick days and paid family and medical leave programs for all working families.


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