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Family Values @ Work Commends Chipotle for Expansion of Paid Sick Days and Paid Vacation to Hourly Employees

Press Releases


Contact: Margy Levinson,, 646-335-0441. Leslie Patterson,, 646-200-5326

Praises hard work of activists fighting for workplace policies that keep workers and communities
healthy, improve companies’ bottom lines

Following Chipotle’s recent announcement that it will offer paid sick days and paid vacation to all employees beginning July 1, Ellen Bravo, executive director of Family Values @ Work and one of the nation’s leading experts on paid sick days and paid family leave policies, released the following statement:

“We applaud Chipotle for its decision to expand paid sick days and paid vacation to its hourly employees. In an industry where the overwhelming majority of hourly workers have no access to paid time off, this move represents important leadership by Chipotle. It means Chipotle workers will no longer have to choose between a paycheck and their own health or that of a loved one. When the only option is to forego much-needed pay, many restaurant workers are forced to go into work sick, jeopardizing their health and also the health of their customers.


“We are proud of the Family Values @ Work coalitions and partners around the nation who have fought for—and won—paid sick days policies. Their efforts have raised awareness of the importance of paid sick days as a minimum labor standard and created undeniable momentum for change in this area. The work of the Restaurant Opportunity Centers United in particular—including extensive research, organizing, and partnership building with high-road employers—has challenged the restaurant industry to invest in its workforce as a way to boost retention and recruitment of high-performing workers. Chipotle cited improved retention in its announcement and recognized the benefits this has to its bottom line and the overall economy.”

Chipotle’s move to offer paid sick days and paid vacation to all employees is yet another example of the recent momentum seen around paid sick days and paid family leave across public and private sectors. Recent polls show that four out of five Americans support requiring employers to offer paid family leave, with even higher support for paid sick days requirements.


Family Values @ Work is a network of coalitions in 21 states working to pass policies that value families at work such as paid sick days and affordable family leave.

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