Family Values @ Work and our national network of partners have worked together for the past 20 plus years for comprehensive paid family and medical leave, which is now the law in 14 states and counting. We remain committed to working until comprehensive paid family and medical leave is available for all workers. We plan to stay engaged with the House Bipartisan Paid Leave Working Group as they pursue their mission “to provide more families with more paid leave”. As always FV@W remains committed to policies that meet our ATTAIN-able standards and look forward to the Working Group’s efforts to mirror our network’s progress on equitable paid family and medical leave policy.
“Workers shouldn’t have to choose between working and taking care of themselves or their families,” said FV@W Interim Executive Director Liana Cassar. “Paid family and medical leave legislation is getting passed at the state level with bipartisan support. FV@W and our network members in over two dozen states, working with our national coalition partners, are committed to working with Congress to ensure that all families have access to comprehensive paid family and medical leave and paid sick and safe days no matter where they live and work,” said Cassar.
Congress has the chance to develop a comprehensive plan that builds on local successes and incorporates the experiences and voices of workers and state-level paid leave administrators. As the Bipartisan Paid Leave Working Group moves forward on a paid family and medical leave plan, FV@W looks forward to bringing to the table our extensive experience winning paid family and medical leave policies and supporting their implementation to inform equitable policy that benefits all workers, regardless of industry, income level or zip code so that no worker has to choose between a paycheck and caring for their family.