CO: Mi Familia Vota
Mi Familia Vota envisions a future in which the electorate is energized and empowered, and reflective of the growing diversity in the United States. We work with community based, educational, religious, labor, and other organizations that seek to build civically cognizant and active neighborhoods. As a Ya es Hora national partner, Mi Familia Vota is dynamically involved in increasing citizenship, census and Get Out the Vote efforts through the ¡Cuidadania!, ¡Hagase Contar!, and ¡Ve Y Vota! campaigns. Currently, Mi Familia Vota has offices in Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, and Texas. The Colorado office has been very active in the Campaign for a Healthy Denver.
WI: Voces De La Frontera
Voces de la Frontera is Wisconsin’s leading immigrant rights group – a grassroots organization that believes power comes from below and that people can overcome injustice to build a better world. Their campaigns on civil rights and social justice issues have mobilized thousands to take collective action and become leaders in the community. Voces played a key role in the 2008 campaign victory for Paid Sick Days in Milwaukee and continues to make invaluable connections with immigrant workers and the need for labor standards for all.
NY: Make the Road New York
Make the Road New York catalyzes change for low-income New Yorkers by using a multi-faceted approach to promoting justice by expanding civil rights and civic engagement, promoting health for all New Yorkers, improving housing and fostering environmental justice, winning justice in the workplace and promoting access, excellence and opportunity in education. They have been a leader in the movement for paid sick days in NYC.
Action NOW
Alliance for Immigration Reform AIR-Michigan
Alliance of Filipinos for Immigrant Rights and Empowerment (AFIRE) Chicago
Asian Counseling & Referral Service
Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon
Asian Task Force
Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center
Casa Latina
Chinese Progressive Association
City Life/Vida Urbana
Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition
Core El Centro
El Centro de la Raza
Hispanic Federation, Inc.
Latino Political Action Committee of Washington
Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy (LAANE)
Make the Road NY
Mi Familia Vota
Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law
Unidad Latina en Accion
Voces De La Frontera