MA: MassEquality
MassEquality is the leading statewide grassroots advocacy organization working to ensure that everyone across Massachusetts can thrive from cradle to grave without discrimination and oppression based on sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. We do this by partnering across issues, identities and communities to build a broad, inclusive and politically powerful movement that changes hearts and minds and achieves policy and electoral victories . MassEquality has made the Earned Sick Days Act a top legislative priority.
NY: The Gay Men’s Health Crisis
The Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC) is the world’s first and leading provider of HIV/AIDS prevention, care and advocacy. Building on decades of dedication and expertise, they understand the reality of HIV/ AIDs and empower a healthy life for all. GMHC’s mission is to end the AIDS epidemic and uplift the lives of all affected. GMHC has been a vocal supporter of the desperate need for paid sick days for all New Yorkers, particularly those combating HIV/AIDS.
PA: Philadelphia Family Pride
Philadelphia Family Pride is a non-profit, volunteer run, membership organization for LGBT parents, prospective parents and their children in the greater Philadelphia region. They serve over 200 families by creating community through family centered events, educational events, and advocacy work. Their diverse membership includes families created through adoption, surrogacy, donor insemination, fostering and heterosexual relationships. They also support those considering parenthood.
Ana Oliveira-New York Women’s Foundation
Basic Rights Oregon
C. Virginia Fields- National Black Leadership Committee on AIDS
Equal Rights Advocates
Equality Maine
Equality Michigan
Marjorie Hill- Gay Men’s Health Crisis
Mazzoni Center
One Colorado Education Fund
Philadelphia Family Pride
Philadelphia FIGHT
Pride at Work – CA
Pride At Work, Martin Luther King County Chapter