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Live Discussions

Join the conversation! We host regular live events to engage communities, thought leaders, and change agents in meaningful dialogue about paid family and medical leave, paid sick days, and universal child care. Open, transparent conversation is how we all will realize economic, gender and social justice.

2024 Election Night Vibe Check Live

On Election Night, November 5th, Family Values @ Work checked in with election watch parties across the country to see how our network members and partners were feeling about their work to get paid leave on minds and ballots across America. Hosted by our Voter Engagement Coordinator, Staci Bryant.

Upcoming FV@W Events

Current Month


27feb6:00 pm7:00 pmDIVE Action Team Orientation


18mar4:00 pm5:00 pmEmpowered Voices: Women Defending Democracy and Leading Change

20mar6:00 pm7:00 pmDIVE Action Team Orientation


24apr6:00 pm7:00 pmDIVE Action Team Orientation


13mayAll Day15Family Values @ Work Network Annual Meeting