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Our State of the Union Statement

A picture from the Congress floor on the night of the State of the Union
Press Releases

The current federal administration is failing to prioritize the care policies families need to thrive. Instead of expanding access to paid family and medical leave, paid sick and safe days, affordable child care and other critical protections, we see efforts to limit rights and roll back essential support systems.

Their failure disproportionately impacts women, who bear the brunt of inadequate paid leave policies and unaffordable child care, making it harder for them to stay in the workforce and provide for their families. Their failure disproportionately impacts gender-expansive individuals who already face excessive barriers to care. The U.S. remains one of only six countries in the world without a national paid leave policy – an unacceptable reality that harms workers, families, and our economy.

During the State of the Union, the president did not put care issues front and center, failing to acknowledge the urgency of paid family and medical leave, paid sick and safe days and other essential policies. Family Values @ Work calls on policymakers to take immediate action. It is time for Congress to invest in our social safety net and create care policies that work for families, as opposed to eyeing tax cuts for the wealthy. Our families, our workforce, and our economy depend on it.

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