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Caring Out Loud

Caring Out Loud: True Stories About Caregiving

Caregiving is the backbone of our economy and society, but it’s often invisible, undervalued, and unsupported. Out of sight means out of mind for policymakers, bosses, and candidates — but storytellers from Family Values @ Work’s nationwide network will help change that.

In-Person Registration

Virtual Registration

Join us for an unforgettable evening of storytelling that illuminates the often-overlooked work of caregiving.

Caring Out Loud: True Stories About Caregiving
Friday, September 13th
6:00 PM ET
MLK Library Auditorium, Washington D.C. (and Live Streamed!)
Light refreshments will be served.

Through powerful personal stories, we’ll explore the challenges and triumphs of working families navigating a system that too often makes caring for loved ones impossible.

Caring Out Loud is a night of first-person storytelling about working families caring for each other in a system that’s determined to make that impossible: Chosen family coming to a friend’s rescue after random violence. An uncle stepping in when a family tragedy strikes. A couple navigating the hard decision of who can go back to work after the birth of their baby. A new mom struggling to piece together work and child care. A parent trying to navigate emergency care for an adult son with life-threatening COVID complications. A worker sacrificing a much-wanted promotion to be with family during the loss of a beloved in-law.

Let’s break the silence and amplify the stories that matter. You can attend in person or via live stream. Together, we can build a future where everyone has the freedom to care.

In-Person Registration

Virtual Registration

Meet the Storytellers

Iletha is the co-coordinator of the media and communications team with United Workers; a membership led organization of the poor and working class fighting for…

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Jennifer grew up in a political, working-class, union home and learned at an early age what it takes for working families to thrive—namely, collective action…

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Keʻōpū Reelitz has made her career into a love letter to her three young kids. She firmly believes that when families in Hawaiʻi thrive, everyone…

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Kris is a worker justice and LGBTQ rights advocate. He sits on the national board of directors for 9to5 National Association of Working Women, and…

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As a young, lonely queer, Preston first found purpose in organizing with other LGBTQI students after the death of a young gay man on their…

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Rhonda is a passionate advocate for social justice and equality, shaped by her upbringing in a family of strong African American Women who held job…

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Tony was born in America & raised in Austria – the son of missionaries. He loves baseball, musical theater, good food & wine, considers Europe…

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