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July 23, 2013

Is This the Big Moment for Better Work/Family Balance Policies?

Those of us who have been pushing for better work/family policies know the story of how we almost had universal childcare all too well. In 1971, Congress…
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November 10, 2011

Majority of First-Time U.S. Moms Now Get Paid Maternity Leave

Nov. 10 (Bloomberg) -- The number of new mothers receiving paid maternity leave climbed to a majority for the first time, the U.S. Census Bureau…
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October 19, 2011

North Carolina

The North Carolina Families Care Campaign is a statewide coalition of organizations and individuals who are leading the effort to make North Carolina more family-friendly.…
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May 4, 2008

The Cost of Staying Home Sick

It sounded like the responsible course of action when President Obama and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention urged people with flu symptoms to…
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February 4, 2013

Op-Ed: The Family and Medical Leave Act Turns 20—But Half of U.S. Workers Still Can’t Use It

Most of us are one illness away from bankruptcy or foreclosure. We need an Act that offers paid leave to more employees and expands what…
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October 19, 2011


Founded in 2000, the Georgia Job/Family Collaborative works to build support for public policies that strengthen communities by ensuring that working families can balance their…
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October 8, 2011

Ellen Bravo on Fox and Friends

Ellen Bravo discusses the benefits of paid sick days for families, public health and business on Fox and Friends.   "If we want to value…
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