CT: National Physicians Alliance
The National Physicians Alliance creates research and education programs that promote active engagement of physicians with their communities to achieve high quality, affordable health care for all. The NPA offers a professional home to physicians across medical specialties who share a commitment to professional integrity, health justice and advocacy. Fighting for equal access to health care, NPA supported Connecticut’s paid sick days legislation to give worker’s the time to care for their health and the health of their families.
MI: Universal Health Care Access Network
Michigan Universal Health Care Access Network (MichUHCAN) is a state-wide network that promotes comprehensive health care for all and improved health outcomes by addressing the social determinants of health through education, strategy development and advocacy. MichUCHAN was on the frontline of the healthcare reform conversation in Michigan and continues to be THE trusted voice in the healthcare access and availability conversation.
MA: Boston Public Health Commission
Our mission is to protect, promote, and preserve the health and well-being of all Boston residents, particularly the most vulnerable. We strive to fulfill our mission through a wide range of health initiatives that target preventable disease and injury. Through the years, public health has made great strides when it comes to infant mortality, childhood immunization, cancer, heart disease, and tuberculosis, to name a few. Paid Sick Days are a basic right that should be provided to all workers.
Action AIDS
AIDS Foundation of Chicago
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Academy of Pediatrics, Connecticut Chapter
American Academy of Pediatrics, WA State Chapter
Autism Society of Colorado
Bebashi: Transition to Hope
Boston Public Health Commission
Breastfeeding Task Force of Greater Los Angeles
Caregivers of New Jersey
Cedar River Clinics
Chicago Women’s AIDS Project
Colorado Ovarian Cancer Alliance
Colorado Public Health Association
Colorado School Nurses Association
Community Health Center Association of Connecticut
Docs for Tots New York
Family Practice & Counseling Network
Food and Water Watch
Georgia Association of School Nurses
Georgia Campaign for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention/GCAPP
Harm Reduction Action Center
Health and Medicine Policy Research Group
Health Federation of Philadelphia
Healthcare NOW
Healthy Mothers/Healthy Babies of Georgia
Hispanic Health Council
Illinois Caucus for Adolescent Health
Illinois Nurses Association
Illinois Public Health Association
International Community Health Services
Mabel Wadsworth Health Center
Maine Public Health Association
Marianne C. Fahs, PhD, MPH, Professor of Urban Public Health
Michigan Universal Health Care Access Network
National Association of Social Workers
National Family Caregivers Association
National Nursing Centers Consortium
Neil Calman, MD, President and CEO, Institute for Family Health, New York, NY
Nicholas Freudenberg, Dr PH, Distinguished Professor of Public Health and Director of CUNY Doctor of Public Health Program, Hunter College and Graduate Center, CUNY
Oregon Public Health Association
Pennsylvania AIDS Law Project
Pennsylvania Association of Staff Nurses & Allied Partners
Pennsylvania Coalition of Nurse Practitioners
Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon
Planned Parenthood of Georgia
Planned Parenthood of Illinois
Planned Parenthood of Northern New England
St. John’s Well Child and Family Center
The Alzheimer’s Association, Maine Chapter