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Safiya Jafari Simmons (she/her)

Communications Director
Safiya Simmons

Safiya started working in social justice as a press secretary for an urban school district. There the inequities she saw between lower-income families and those with greater means helped her understand that her job wasn’t just press releases and statements, but giving a voice to those often overlooked and undervalued. A parent herself, that first job started her on a trajectory that would lead her to work in politics, criminal justice reform, and now the paid leave movement. As the communications director, she’s tasked with creating, disseminating, and curating messages and materials that support FV@W’s commitment to racial, gender, and economic justice and leadership development. Safiya channels the passion she has for her three children and husband, a police offer, into her work, giving voice to critical social justice issues. When she’s not fighting the good fight for change, she most enjoys spending time with her family and eating good food (read: usually not the healthiest).