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Tony Iovieno

Tony was born in America & raised in Austria – the son of missionaries. He loves baseball, musical theater, good food & wine, considers Europe his personal playground, and thoroughly enjoys the uniqueness of his hobbies. Admittedly a city boy, yet somehow married a farmer’s delightful daughter.

In ‘16, his family endured a total-loss apartment fire – which served as a crash course on our social safety net. The ‘holes’ were readily apparent, especially for historically marginalized communities. Wanting to take action, yet confused about his place in the work as a white cis-gendered hetero male; a beautiful quote gave him clarity. “If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.”

At FV@W, Tony will conspire with a diverse set of donors to liberate resources & build power to fuel national, state, & local campaigns that move us closer to economic justice for all.