After I got out of an abusive marriage, I was having to go back and forth to meetings for domestic violence counseling and for my daughter’s nervous breakdowns and hospitalization. I had to punch out to go to the counselor and, when I finished the meeting, if I still had time I could punch back in to finish my shift. It was hard for me to concentrate at work because my mind was more on my daughter’s condition and our situation. Having to go back and forth wore on me mentally and physically. It affected my performance at work, and I ended up being fired from my job because I was making mistakes under the stress.
Paid leave will give working people and their family members time to concentrate on getting healthier so they can fully function at work and in life in general. People in this situation are constantly worrying about making money to survive, to pay for medication and doctors, and it’s hard to concentrate on work when you have all those burdens coming at you at once.