My dad was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer in October 2018. At the time I was living in New York City. My bosses were great—I was able to take days off as needed, but working half-time meant I couldn’t afford to stay in New York, pay my bills, help my dad and take him to appointments. By the end of November, my dad had used all his sick and vacation days, so he needed help with bills and day-to-day expenses. I did whatever I could.
By the end of December, we decided I’d move down to Lancaster, PA, to help. I found a new job in a day. My start day was January 8th. Two days later we found out the cancer had taken over his liver and was now moving to his stomach liner. On the 11th we admitted him into the hospital.
I wound up having to leave my new job—I couldn’t leave my dad alone in pain. I am lucky to be one of five siblings. Three live far away so they helped keep my dad afloat after learning that he wasn’t eligible for health aid. My baby sister offered to quit instead of me, but we realized she was paid more. Shameful that we are looking at paycheck size to figure out who can stay with my dad. Shameful that I had to leave a job I loved and was great at in order to help my family. I’m now looking for a third-shift job so that someone can be with him. Hopefully I can find an employer some day who will understand this story. #FamilyFirst