Statement from Ellen Bravo and Wendy Chun-Hoon, Co-Directors of Family Values @ Work on the U.S. House’s Action on the Federal Employee Paid Leave Act:
“We applaud the U.S. House of Representatives for taking necessary steps to ensure millions of federal employees have access to paid family and medical leave by voting today to include the Federal Employee Paid Leave Act (FEPLA) in the National Defense Authorization Act, which will come before the House for final approval Friday. Today’s move ensures no federal employee or their family has to choose between caring for a loved one or putting food on the table.
“We know guaranteeing paid leave and providing time to care boosts workers’ productivity, reduces employee turnover and increases consumer spending, which leads to a healthy and competitive economy. As the nation’s largest employer, the federal government can be a leader by normalizing family friendly workplace policies and we are excited to see action taken. Now it is time for Congress to continue the momentum and pass a national paid family and medical leave program, so that everyone, regardless of where they live, what kind of work they do, or what form their family takes, will be able to care for themselves and their loved ones without risking their health or financial security.”