By Staci Bryant, State Lead
Imagine a Democracy where the people have a voice in the decisions that are made about them, their families and their communities. Elected officials are sworn to protect and serve constituents, instead of inflicting poor policies and prioritizing corporate profit over people’s livelihoods. We would have the ability to embrace the pivotal role of engagers, educators, and mobilizers for the sake of humanity. No one would be left out or behind because of their ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion or income. Our focus would not be on the ability to persuade or deter legislation for the basic necessities of life, but it could be focused on finding solutions to sustain our best lives together.
I have accepted the challenge of collaborating with people to cultivate the democracy we want, the democracy that we deserve. Our lived experiences have the potential to shift the false narratives that all Americans are not worthy of fair and just lives. We are on the precipice of a revolution. We may not be passionate about the same issues or even agree on all the information surrounding them, but as a collective, I believe we can agree that the last couple of years have changed us. For better or for worse, we realize that something has to change. Something has to give.
This is why I am leading the Family Values @ Work new DIVE program (Democracy Integrated Voter Engagement). The time is now to be the change that we seek. DIVE is an opportunity to use the power of our collective voices and votes to elevate our communities’ key issues. What better place to start mobilizing our families and friends than in our backyards?
As a person that has felt invisible in our democracy because of lack of paid family and medical leave, I understand the importance of finding your voice. In 2014, my then 4-year-old daughter suffered a stroke and I was fired from my job while caring for her in the hospital. That was the spark that ignited my flame to advocate for myself and others. It was choosing to show up and volunteer, because allied people power created the support I craved.
Don’t you crave a better world to live in? Whether it be an issue about access to affordable child care, language justice, living wages or the ability to take time off when sick, we know our stories are not siloed. Join me and learn more about DIVE as we create the support and actions needed to win campaigns. Let’s dive into establishing policies that are equitable and accessible by all, so everyone can live their best lives.