As Father’s Day approaches, it’s important to reflect on the sometimes-overlooked contributions fathers and father figures make to their families – and to recognize how…
Modern life depends on self-employed workers: Your Lyft driver? Self-employed. The accountant who does your taxes every year from a home office? Self-employed. Your hair…
(Trigger warning for violent assault) June is Pride month (officially), but it’s important to know that every queer person experiences their queerness differently. LGBTQI communities…
"Family Values @ Work congratulates Vision Duluth on making Duluth, Minnesota the 44th locality in the United States to pass a paid sick days policy-bringing…
Paid family leave passed the Vermont legislature with tripartisan support. Champions across the political spectrum shared personal stories about the urgency for such a program…
As coalitions across the country work to enact paid sick days laws and other workplace reforms, we’re facing an ongoing threat – corporate lobbyists who…
“It took years of organizing, wins in 13 municipalities, support from local residents, community groups, health care professionals, business leaders, clergy, local mayors and a…