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Sen. Rubio’s Social Security Proposal is Deeply Flawed

Press Releases

Statement from Family Values @ Work

“It’s encouraging to see bipartisan support for addressing paid leave at the national level. But the devil is in the details and some plans are devilish indeed. Sen. Rubio’s Social Security proposal is deeply flawed, offering too little money to too few people from an unsustainable source.

“The Rubio plan would provide partial paid leave only to a small minority of workers, excluding the 75 percent who need time to care for themselves or a loved one. It would leave out Stephanie from Pennsylvania who was forced to work while undergoing radiation treatment, Kris from Colorado who missed her father’s dying days, and Brenda in Nevada who had to choose between keeping her job and staying by her one and a half year old daughter’s side after she was hospitalized. Even for most parents of a new child, the amount of the benefit, less than half a wage, makes leave out of reach.

“Working people need both a comprehensive paid family and medical leave plan and Social Security. Sen. Rubio’s proposal means a cut in Social Security benefits. It would curtail progress in workplace equity, disproportionally affecting women, people of color and lower-income workers who are less likely to have paid leave through their employer and for whom Social Security benefits comprise a larger share of their income during retirement.

“The U.S. is an outlier when it comes to paid leave. As we work to catch up with the rest of the world, it’s important that we pass a modest minimum that meets the “Triple A” test: accessible, affordable and adequate for all workers. The FAMILY Act follows the social insurance fund model that has already proved successful for worker and business owners alike in states across the country. It is the best choice to ensure all workers can take the time they need to care for themselves, a new child, or a seriously ill loved one. This is a major moment for workers nationwide, so let’s not waste it. Strong majorities of voters in both parties support real paid leave AND strengthening Social Security. They want meaningful action, not steps in the wrong direction. It’s time to pass what works. It’s time to pass the FAMILY Act.”

For media inquiries please contact Leslie Patterson at 202-800-7408 or
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