Statement by Co-Directors Ellen Bravo and Wendy Chun-Hoon “On behalf of the Family Values @ Work network, we congratulate Raise Up Massachusetts and all their…
"Family Values @ Work congratulates Vision Duluth on making Duluth, Minnesota the 44th locality in the United States to pass a paid sick days policy-bringing…
Paid family leave passed the Vermont legislature with tripartisan support. Champions across the political spectrum shared personal stories about the urgency for such a program…
“It took years of organizing, wins in 13 municipalities, support from local residents, community groups, health care professionals, business leaders, clergy, local mayors and a…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Sam Robles,, (512) 466-9258 Bo Delp,, (202) 341-7191 Policy creates opportunity for all working families to earn paid sick…
Statement by Family Values @ Work Co-Director Wendy Chun-Hoon "Persistence, power, political pressure - that's what led to the paid sick days victory in Maryland today.…
Momentum Swells for Expanded Definition of Family as Three Largest U.S. Cities Recognize Chosen Family in Paid Sick Days Policies State Actions since mid-2016 have…